Accredia / Communication / Press room / The press kit

The press kit

The press file

This document provides a clear, simple and thorough profile of Accredia, its aims, activities and professional structure.

What is Accredia and how is it organized? What is accreditation and what is it for? How is the conformity assessment process structured and what are the benefits of Accredia’s activities for companies, institutions and consumers?


Here you can find a general synthesis describing Accredia’s international role and data concerning all its accreditation activities.

Summary on Accredia and accreditation activities, with a focus on its international role and its quality numbers, from certifications to inspections, verifications, tests, medical analyses and calibrations.

The annual report

An in-depth look at the achievements and results in 2021.

On May 11, 2022, the General Assembly of Members approved the annual balance sheet and the report of Accredia’s activities, describing also the institutional developments, assessment activities and the evolution of accreditation schemes.