Accredia / About us / Organization / Institutional bodies

Institutional bodies

An effective collaboration

Accredia's composition is flexible and balanced, so that to guarantee the effectiveness of decisions and the achievement of results.

Accredia’s activities are defined by transparency of the decision-making process and the sharing of objectives and policy strategies through flexible and balanced management.


Members' Assembly

The Assembly, being the meeting of members, constitutes Accredia’s policy direction body.

Directive Council

The Directive Council is responsible for the management of Accredia.

  • Massimo De Felice – President of Accredia
  • Giuseppe Abbamonte – Ministry of Defense
  • Simona Andreazza – Ania
  • Leonello Attias – Iss
  • Danilo Barduzzi – Casartigiani
  • Antonio Bonati – Cnr
  • Teresa Bossù – Fnovi
  • Ermanno Coppola – Coldiretti
  • Roberto Cuccioletta – Ministry of Agriculture, Food Sovereignty and Forests
  • Angelo Favaron – Confapi
  • Vito Fernicola – Inrim
  • Paola Ferri – Ministry of Enterprises and Made in Italy
  • Luciano Gaiotti – Confcommercio Imprese per l’Italia
  • Gian Fabrizio Ghiglia – Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane S.p.A.
  • Natalia Gil Lopez – Cna
  • Massimo Guasconi – Unioncamere
  • Chiara Maggi – Ispra
  • Claudia Mancuso – Ministry of Labor and Social Policies
  • Eros Mannino – Ministry of Internal Affairs
  • Nicola Massaro – Ance
  • Matteo Milanesi – Confcooperative
  • Paolo Moscatti – Alpi
  • Giuseppe Oliva – Enea
  • Nausicaa Orlandi – Fncf
  • Andrea Orlando – Confindustria
  • Monica Palumbo – Gruppo Enel
  • Bruno Panieri – Confartigianato Imprese
  • Giordano Pascucci – Cia – Agricoltori Italiani
  • Simona Quinzi – Confindustria Sit
  • Mariarcangela Ramundo – Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport
  • Giuseppe Rossi – Uni
  • Ester Rotoli – Inail
  • Donato Rotundo – Confagricoltura
  • Paolo Salza – Conforma
  • Stefania Serafini – Legacoop
  • Angelo Spanò – Confesercenti
  • Paolo Tazzioli – Cei
  • Angelo Trapanà – Unoa
  • Andrea Vanner – Ministry of Environment and Energy Security
  • Paolo Vigo – Ministry of University and Research
  • Armando Zambrano – Cni
  • Ministry of Health
Executive Committee

The Executive Committee has the task of studying the areas of competence of the Directive Council, preparing resolutions, and, in particular those related to administration and management.

  • Massimo De Felice – President of Accredia
  • Vito Fernicola – Vice President of Accredia
  • Eros Mannino – Vice President of Accredia
  • Angelo Spanò – Vice Presidente of Accredia
  • Massimo Guasconi – Unioncamere
  • Matteo Milanesi – Confcooperative
  • Donato Rotundo – Confagricoltura
  • Angelo Trapanà – Unoa
  • Armando Zambrano – Cni
Board of Auditors

The Board of Auditors effects accountancy controls, compliance with laws and the statute, adherence to the principles of just administration and all legal matters concerning the Board of Auditors of limited companies.

  • Chiara Zantedeschi – President of the Board
  • Giancarlo Muci – Standing Member
  • Gianni Tarozzi – Standing Member
  • Luca Mercaldo – Substitute Member
  • Giulio Ranocchiari – Substitute Member
Committee of Accreditation - Committee for Accreditation Activity and Sector Accreditation Committees

The Committee of Accreditation operates in the field of accreditation, respecting principles of technical competence and following the modality functions as given under the general regulations as well as remaining in compliance with internal procedures. The Committee is divided into one Committee for Accreditation Activity and some Sector Accreditation Committees.

Committee for Accreditation Activity

  • Massimo Greco – President of the Committee
  • Gino Bella – President of the Sector Accreditation Committee Testing Laboratories
  • Emilio Gatto – President of the Sector Accreditation Committee Agri-Food
  • Lorenzo Mastroeni – President of the Sector Accreditation Committee Regulated Activities
  • Marco Panecaldo – President of the Sector Accreditation Committee Construction Products
  • Sergio Saporetti – President of the Sector Accreditation Committee Certificationa and Inspection
  • Michela Sega – President of the Sector Accreditation Committee Calibration Laboratories
  • Massimiliano Benelli
  • Milena Cannizzaro
  • Rosa Draisci
  • Fabiola Leuzzi
  • Stefano Sibilio
  • Armando Zingales

Sector Accreditiation Committee Certification and Inspection

  • Sergio Saporetti – President of the Sector Committee
  • Fabrizio Benedetti
  • Silvano Bonelli
  • Dario Esposito
  • Cristiano Fiameni
  • Stefano Mannacio
  • Carmine Reda
  • Brunello Salvadori
  • Antonio Scipioni
  • Antonella Angelosante Bruno – Expert
  • Marcella Barbieri Saraceno – Expert
  • Pier Paolo Momoli – Expert
  • Antonio Panvini – Expert
  • Antonio Romeo – Expert
  • Roberto Scano – Expert

Sector Accreditation Committee Agri-Food

  • Emilio Gatto – President of the Sector Committee
  • Domenico Bosco
  • Roberto Pinton
  • Antonio Romeo
  • Giovanni Rosati
  • Luigi Tozzi

Sector Accreditation Committee Testing Laboratories

  • Gino Bella – President of the Sector Committee
  • Stefano Aquaro
  • Massimo Nazzareno Bonfatti
  • Elio Calabrese
  • Mauro Di Ciommo
  • Rosa Giordano
  • Saverio Mannino
  • Maria Rosaria Milana
  • Domenico Monteleone
  • Luca Palleschi
  • Antonello Paparella
  • Vittorio Sala
  • Giovanni Vecchi
  • Angelo Baggini – Expert
  • Maria Miano – Expert
  • Marcello Pistilli – Expert
  • Marco Pradella – Expert

Sector Accreditation Committee Calibration Laboratories

  • Michela Sega – President of the Sector Committee
  • Cristina Cassiago
  • Pierino De Felice
  • Maria Valeria Pennisi
  • Elena Bravo – Expert
  • Giorgio Buonanno – Expert
  • Marco Dell’Isola – Expert
  • Mauro Di Ciommo – Expert

Sector Accreditation Committee Regulated Activities

  • Lorenzo Mastroeni – President of the Sector Committee
  • Abdul Ghani Ahmad
  • Gino Bella
  • Antonio Erario
  • Loredana Le Rose
  • Giacinto Padovani
  • Maria Valeria Pennisi
  • Luciano Antonio Scarpino
  • Paolo Tattoli
  • Grazia Maria Cacopardi – Expert
  • Marco Dell’Isola – Expert
  • Pierpaolo Gentile – Expert
  • Benedetto Legittimo – Expert
  • Salvatore Napolitano – Expert
  • Laura Petrone – Expert
  • Giorgio Pizzi – Expert
  • Stefania Randisi – Expert

Sector Accreditation Committee Construction products

  • Marco Panecaldo – President of the Sector Committee
  • Gino Bella
  • Barbara Ferracuti
  • Lorenzo Matroeni
  • Fabio Alaimo Ponziani
Steering and Guarantee Committee

The function of the Steering and Guarantee Committee is to express the opinions and contributions of the Members; to express proposals by other subjects involved in accreditation activities and to formulate operative policies and to make sure that the accreditation body is functioning well.

  • President of the Committee

Public Administration and public research bodies

  • Cng – Arcangelo Francesco Violo
  • Cni – Lia Tozzi
  • Cnpi
  • Cnr – Carlo Brondi
  • Conaf – Mauro Uniformi
  • Enea – Paolo Del Prete
  • Fncf – Francesca Piccioli
  • Fnob – Maria Grazia Micieli
  • Fnovi – Gianluca Fortino
  • Inail – Antonio Terracina
  • Inrim – Paola Maria Tiberto
  • Ispra – Bertrand Capra
  • Iss – Lucilla Baldassarri
  • Ministry of Labor and Social Policies – Diletta Barco
  • Ministry of Agriculture, Food Sovereignty and Forests – Giacomo Mocciaro
  • Ministry of Environment and Energy Security – Giorgia Zoccali
  • Ministry of Internal Affairs – Michele Mazzaro
  • Ministry of University and Research – Fabrizio Purchiaroni
  • Ministry of Defense – Rocco Gioia
  • Ministry of Health
  • Ministry of Enterprises and Made in Italy – Orietta Maizza
  • Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport – Fabrizio Frezzini
  • Unioncamere – Amedeo Del Principe

Organizations representing producers of goods and services and other operators

  • Agidae – Giorgio Capoccia
  • Aises – Eros Pessina
  • Anacam – Michele Mazzarda
  • Ance – Francesca Ferrocci
  • Ania – Micaela Cicolani
  • Atecap – Massimiliano Pescosolido
  • Casartigiani – Michele De Sossi
  • Cdo – Alberto Fugazza
  • Cia-Agricoltori Italiani – Martina Bernardi
  • Cna – Barbara Gatto
  • Colap – Alberino Battagliola
  • Coldiretti – Claudia Albani
  • Confagricoltura – Palma Esposito
  • Confapi – Davide D’Onofrio
  • Confartigianato Imprese – Maria Teresa Del Zoppo
  • Confcommercio Imprese per l’Italia – Silvia Trivini
  • Confcooperative – Milena Cannizzaro
  • Confesercenti – Alessandro Tatafiore
  • Confimi Industria – Walter Regis
  • Confindustria – Elena Bruni
  • Confindustria Sit – Paolo Barbagli
  • Federbio – Paolo Carnemolla
  • Federchimica – Giovanni Postorino
  • Finco – Anna Danzi
  • Legacoop – Carlo Parmigiani
  • Oice – Diego Ceccherelli
  • Sci – Martino Di Serio

Associations of accredited bodies

  • Aioici – Mirko Corsini
  • Aizs – Giovanni Pezzotti
  • Ala – Giuseppe Sant’Unione
  • Alpi – Roberto Cusolito
  • Ascoteco
  • Conforma – Paolo Giuiuzza
  • Federazione Cisq – Mario Romersi
  • Unoa – Radu Solomon

National standardisation bodies, consumer associations for protection from risks and protection of the environment;suppliers of pubblic utility services and other interested subjects

  • Acu – Emilio Senesi
  • Aias – Alessandro Foti
  • Aicq – Demetrio Gilormo
  • Angq – Gaetano Montebelli
  • Apco – Anna Bortoluzzi
  • Assoconsult – Filippo Pennati Salvadori
  • Assoreca – Alessio Bonciani
  • Cei – Ivano Visintainer
  • Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane S.p.A. – Linda Cardinali
  • Gruppo Enel – Giuseppe Macrì
  • Uni – Elena Mocchio
Coordination Committee with Public Administrations which are Accredia members

The committee functions within the ambit of the Directive Council, ensuring coordination between Accredia and Public Administrations involved in Accredia’s activities and technical standardization bodies.

  • Massimo De Felice – President of Accredia
  • Gaetana Ferri – Vice President of Accredia – MdS
  • Natalia Gil Lopez – Vice President Accredia – Cna
  • Paolo Vigo – Vice President of Accredia – Mur
  • Roberto Cusolito – President of the Steering and Guarantee Committee of Accredia – Alpi
  • Massimo Greco – President of the Committee for Accreditation Activity of Accredia – Mimit
  • Antonio Bonati – Cnr
  • Chiara Maggi – Ispra
  • Romolo De Camillis – Ministry of Labor and Social Policies
  • Vito Fernicola – Inrim
  • Angelo Gervasio – Ministry of Defense
  • Loredana Gulino – Ministry of Environment and Energy Security
  • Fabio Lunghi – Unioncamere
  • Eros Mannino – Ministry of Internal Affairs
  • Claudia Mastrocola – Iss
  • Giacomo Mocciaro – Ministry of Agriculture, Food Sovereignty and Forests
  • Giuseppe Molina – Cei
  • Giuseppe Oliva – Enea
  • Nausicaa Orlandi – Fncf
  • Gianfrancesco Romeo – Ministry of Enterprises and Made in Italy
  • Giuseppe Rossi– Uni
  • Ester Rotoli – Inail
  • Massimo Sessa – Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport
  • Armando Zambrano – Cni
  • Paolo Moscatti – Alpi – Permanent invited
  • Paolo Salza – Conforma – Permanent invited
  • Angelo Trapanà – Unoa – Permanent invited
Appeals Commission

The task of the Appeals Commission is to examine and deliberate on appeals that have been presented against deliberations taken regarding accreditation.

  • Dino Bogazzi – President of the Commission
  • Giorgio Cevasco
  • Amedeo Del Principe
  • Luigi Gaspare Giuseppe Gaggeri
  • Gian Fabrizio Ghiglia
  • Antonio Terracina
  • Paola Maria Tiberto
  • Ivano Visintainer
Board of Arbitrators

The Board of Arbitrators examines and decides, with justified and irrevocable provisions, with regard to disputes which are submitted for its attention by Members or by Accredia’s President, concerning the interpretation and the application of the present Statute, which may occur among the Members and former Members of Accredia, as well as among Members and institutional bodies.

  • President of the Board
  • Edoardo d’Avossa – Standing Member
  • Antonio Gucciardino – Standing Member
  • Maria Grazia Cappugi – Substitute Member
  • Francesco Morabito – Substitute Member
Compliance Body (D.Lgs. 231/01)
  • Emanuele Montemarano – President of the Compliance Body
  • Marino Gabellini
  • Rosamaria Gallo
  • Mariagrazia Lanzanova – Compliance Officer